Survival Mode: Enabled
Ah winter, autumns poor 3rd cousin once removed. Winter in films is always depicted as lovely and frosty, or sunny and snowy, all things we know to be false. Now, this could be me being cynical after another long winter, I suppose none of those films are ever really set in Ireland, home of the damp, grey, winter.
My arena |
We've reached the end of February and boy did it hit hard. We had 3 storms in a week after a relatively mild winter up to that point. There were times when I felt like I was Dorothy and I was going to end up in Kansas. Even though it was mild and fairly dry, horses are still in and grass is still not growing. The workload in winter is tripled and riding opportunities and few and far between.
My nightly view |
An equestrian that has horses at home with no arena, or place to ride, dreams of an arena, and in winter, dreams of an indoor arena! Dreams of lights so that you can ride regardless of daylight or not. I get serious envy when I see pictures of videos of people riding over the winter months as I do the daily slog and see nothing but mud.
Where's dinner? |
This winter was better than last, mostly because I didn't have a slipped disc. It's really only coming back to me now how much pain I went through last winter, that I just kind of shut out and got on with everything-turns out this is not advisable! I had to take lots of breaks mucking out and getting the haynets ready.
Waiting to come in |
This winter was going ok until I changed jobs and stopped being able to go to the pool. I found out that the pool is now an essential part of my exercise regime and without it I get crocked again. So for the first half I mucked out, fed the animals and then came in and sat and hibernated- which is really not good for the body. But after Christmas I got back into the swing of things, I started taking turmeric myself and got back to the pool. The difference was unreal. I just hate having wet hair.
Winter with horses is not easy. You get all of the hardships and none or little of the joy. Mornings are dark. Evenings are dark. Sometimes even the days are dark. The wind howls and the rain is sideways. I am lucky that I can turn the horses out almost every day. They need it for their sanity and I think everyone can appreciate that a bit more having been through many lockdowns.
Gotta smile when ya can |
Working all week and only getting outside in daylight during lunch for a quick walk, then getting home and then doing all the jobs outside is draining. So that sometimes when it comes to the weekend and actually being able to ride, you feel like crap, you need that sleep in and doing a good muck out and hay for the week is the only energy you can muster. Or the weather gods are against you and the sideways rain is back with the wind.
I've never been a fair weather rider, I go out and get what we need to do done. But not having any competitions lined up has freed me up from riding regardless of weather. Now, I'm like uck I don't want to get wet and they don't like it either. I've been fairly aimless over the winter with my riding, just getting to ride is aim enough for me.
Post competition selfie |
Winter for me has been survival mode. Make sure everyone is ok, fed, watered, warm bed, etc. Riding has been on the back burner. Always wishing away the week till the weekend came around so you could get the jobs done that you can't during the week because of time or light and that you might get to ride. Sometimes you forget how much you need to ride. You need that time just the two of you. The horses are such an important part of my mental health. I found last year when I was laid up, that I needed to be able to ride, not just be around them.
So I've decided I need a few more goals and aims with myself and my horses. I need a plan, a structure in place, something to hold myself too. The aimless riding is grand for winter, but ultimately I need aims and goals. I like to accomplish things. Write lists and tick them off.
wet wet wet |
All the layers requried....... |
Lately I've gotten to work from home more and it has been wonderful. Every time I need a break I walk outside and check the animals, get some cuddles and fresh air. If I want to ride I can now after work because daylight is back on my side again. Which begs the question why haven't I?! Really the daylight has only really come on side in the last two weeks and one of those was storm central.
Sunrise |
I had my first flatwork lesson in two years a few weeks ago and I really enjoyed it. But I haven't been able to ride much since, to put into practice what I learned. The weather has been against me and will continue to be for awhile. But I think a schedule of hacking, groundwork and flatwork will help get them fit and nice and gradually, as well as get me fit. The lesson really highlighted a lack of fitness on my part - I had to ask for a break!! Cu Chulainn always has a natural level of fitness, must be his frenetic energy, so he was fine. I also want to put a plan in place for myself, swimming, Pilates, squats with weights(shudders).
I have no plans yet to join any organisation and will hopefully get to do some unaffiliated competitions. I really enjoyed the day in Milchem, but really we weren't ready to compete, I just wanted to test the water and see how I held up. I didn't jump before it and I haven't jumped since, much to Cu Chulainn's dismay. For now we will work on fitness and hopefully get some lessons. And have fun and enjoy.
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