Jannnnuary Lockdown 3.0


Well. It’s still January. This is the longest January known to mankind, in this century anyway. Now, don’t get me wrong. January is always a long month, mostly for those who are paid monthly and get paid early in December!

Rusty running
Running away from 2021

But December is usually a great month, of parties and celebrations with friends and family. One where we overspend, overeat and oversleep! But this December was very different. There were small gatherings and meetings with people and this may have led us to where we are now, along with other reasons. But I won’t get into that.

Drinks at the bar

This January feels epically long for me, because the last few months have been a ‘January’. The weather has been up and down, but cold regardless! Cu Chulainn got mild colic one day, put the absolute fear of God into me after having been put through the devastation before of having to put down my first mare, Martha.

Cu Chulainn
Hi, I'm fine now!

I started back to college and am finding it extremely difficult to get back in to the swing of it and there is nothing but talk of assignments and group projects and it all feels so overwhelming right now.


Can I hide away?
Can I just hide?

I think that Lockdown 3.0 has been tough for a lot of people. The first one we didn’t know how long it would be and most hit the ground running, banana bread left right and centre. Dogs being walked until they hid under the stairs for fear of the lead coming out! Everyone was DIYing, the weather was great and all were happy for this ‘unofficial’ break from everything.


Lockdown 2.0 we were all in it for the greater outcome of being able to see friends and family and being able to shop in person in non-food shops. There was a light at the end of the tunnel. The kids were in school and many were out working anyway. Vaccines were announced and Trump was voted out!


Lockdown 3.0, the weather is grey (for the most part), the vaccine news has well worn off, schools are closed, BREXIT has well and truly kicked in with online shopping, we haven’t stopped eating since Christmas, dry January me arse and we’re back to Zoom everything.

The light at the end of the tunnel has well and truly dimmed.


We have to dig deep now to make our bit of sunshine every day.


The stunning frosty weather got so many of us out and about walking. I stopped on the way to work the other day to take some photos of the gorgeous sunrise during the frost. It’s important to appreciate these beautiful mornings.


Cu Chulainn thankfully only had mild colic and got injections (after much jabbing around from the vet) which worked. He was back to himself the next day.


I started a new series on FB and Instagram of interviews with Amateur riders, showcasing their passion and history with horses. I’ve loved doing it and having the chats with everyone, and I hope to continue with it.

I changed farrier recently and Fred has been sound as a pound since. In fact he’s in great form, if I only got to ride him.


Last weekend I used my trainers arena to have a flatwork session with the boys and it was magical. We did nothing extraordinary but they were on their best behaviour and did their best and together we did some lovely work. Afterwards I took Fred down to the river to stand in the water and cool down.

*Disclaimer I did no stretch before or after and paid heavily for the price #willIeverLearn


I saw a thing on Carl Mullans story about writing a list at night of what you have to do the next day to help with anxiety and the feeling of being overwhelmed and not getting anything done (anyone else get like this?!). I did that on Thursday night and I got a lot of it done plus more. I haven’t done it since because my days were kinda set out – college, work, but that’s probably an excuse.


Excessive horsey hugs and any animal that will give me a hug have also helped loads. Fred is not particularly affectionate, so when he is you take all the hugs you can get!


Checking out Charlie Mackesy illustrations and feel good tit bits are always worth a gawk.


And sure lookit, it’s ok to have days of feeling ‘meh’ and not arsed. We will get through this. You just gotta find the something small in every day.


There are only 5 more days left in this month. And sure February flies by. The days are most definitely getting longer! Hallelujah



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